Help Me Sit On A Beach in Hawaii! - AKA Affiliate Disclosure

Hi there, 

I wanted to be completely open and honest with you about one element of 

I’m not under any legal obligation to tell you this, as I’m not based in the United States.

But I want to be as truthful as possible about the site. 

You will sometimes see links to products and services that I’ve personally recommended

These links give you the option to buy the products, mostly on Amazon. 

Everybody Wins! 

If you buy something within 24 hours after clicking one of the links on 

  • ... YOU will have bought something that helps you achieve your goals 

  • ... YOU will not pay anything extra than you normally would 

  • ... I make a tiny amount of money, which will go towards a fund for sitting on a beach in Hawaii sipping Amaretto 

Everybody Wins! 

I Believe These Recommendations Will Help You

Everything that I recommend on this site is based on my personal experience. And everything I recommend is high quality.

I’m proud of these recommendations and believe that they will be relevant for you and I believe they will help you. 

If they impact you badly, it would look really bad on me.

And I definitely don’t want that. 

At the time of writing this (October 2019), I haven’t been paid to promote or review any products or services (mainly because I’m not important enough). 

But, because my ultimate dream is to sit on a beach in Hawaii sipping Amaretto, I am definitely up for being paid to promote or review products.

If this magically happens it will be very obvious to the reader that I’ve been sponsored to do it. 

Why Did I Create

One of the reasons I’ve created IS To Make Money 

I’d be lying if I said I don’t have a vision of this site making billions of $$$ per month

How else am I going to sit on a beach in Hawaii sipping Amaretto? 

To do that, I’ve started doing things like collecting email addresses and contact details.

There are also adverts on the site. 

If I ever do use your contact details, I’ll use them appropriately and send you things that I think are relevant to you

But there are more important reasons that I created, other than to make billions of $$$

  1. To provide useful information for others to help achieve their goals 

  2. To track my journey of running more than 800 miles in 9 days in 2019 

  3. To learn new skills, like:

    • Marketing - as you can see from my tiny, (but extremely important!) number of followers, I’ve still got a lot to learn 

  • Writing concise, entertaining and informative stuff - as you can see from this post, I’ve still got a lot to learn 

I even enjoyed looking up ideas for the best way to write disclaimers! 

Here is one particularly entertaining example, if you’ve got time to waste...

Claim Your FREE Stuff! 

The reasons I do thins, means that there is also a lot of free stuff for you on the website. 

This includes a FREE training PLAN template that I give out for subscribers who sign up with their email address. 


  • Some links on this site help me make money and achieve my dream of sipping Amaretto on a beach in Hawaii 

  • Everybody Wins! -  If you buy through these links it won’t cost you a penny. But it will help me to achieve my goal of sitting on a beach in Hawaii (one day). 

  • I believe all recommendations will be relevant to you and I think will help you achieve your goals 

  • If you want to help me sit on a beach in Hawaii (whilst improving your performance), go here and buy the most expensive things you can find - This page includes my personally tried and tested clothes, kit, gadgets and other resources like books, podcasts and websites

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